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Create a Writing Career You'll Love

Put your writing talent to work for you! Get the step-by-step plans and personal support you need to build a fulfilling, well-paying copywriting career.

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"You're Such a Good Writer!"

You've heard it again and again, right? Friends, family, and coworkers are always asking for help with resumes, emails, and lots of other things.

But what good is writing? Everyone knows that journalists, bloggers, novelists, and all other kinds of writers are notoriously underpaid. And you're not interested in that.

Still, you want...more. You want a job that you'll truly enjoy—something interesting and creative that pays you like a skilled professional. Imagine waking up on Monday morning actually looking forward to the week!

Well, good news: There's one kind of writer that isn't underpaid. In fact, this kind of writer is getting paid better than many other professions and is in higher demand than ever before.


Copywriters write advertising and marketing materials. Emails, banner ads, direct mails, magazine ads, billboards, videos, websites—if it's designed to sell or persuade, copywriters write it.

Simply put: Copywriters connect people who have a need with the company or people who have the right solution for that need.


Companies and clients pay copywriters well—that's certainly a great place to start. But just as important is the fact that it's a creative, interesting, fulfilling career.

You get to work on interesting projects and collaborate with creative, dynamic people. People value your contributions and they respect you for the work you do.

Your skills are in demand and it's finally up to you how you want to structure your business, your finances, and your life.

Want to work on-staff for a cool downtown agency? Check. Want to keep your life flexible and freelance whenever and wherever you want to? Check. Or want to bring in some extra cash on the side to save up for something special or just make life a little easier? Check.

Copywriting can get you into all of those spots. Now, it's up to you to get yourself into copywriting.

There has NEVER been a better time

to be a copywriter.

There has NEVER been a better time to be a copywriter.

There are more companies—both big and small—than ever before. And with 540,000 new entrepreneurs entering the market every month (!), there's no shortage of clients.

Even better? Companies have never before had such a deep understanding of the importance of marketing and the value of great copywriting. In fact:

Most companies are struggling to find skilled copywriters.

So...why don't you give them a hand?

But isn't it hard to get into copywriting?

...Only if you don't have the right help.

Here's the thing: Most people who tell you that "copywriting is hard to get into" either have never tried it themselves...or they just tried to "launch" themselves into it with no training and no plan.

Well, guess what? ANY career is hard to get into without the right training or experience!

And you can't blame anyone who's struggled to build a copywriting career. Previously, there haven't been any reliable trainings—just a lot of "if you can write a letter like this, you can make six figures in your pajamas within your first year!"

Guess, what? If it sounds too good to be is.

Copywriting is no harder to get into than any other career. But the key to being successful is going into it with true career training and a plan.

And not just any plan: a step-by-step road map for exactly how to learn the skills, build your portfolio, build your experience, and find clients.

Which is why we created the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy: to help people who love writing create exciting, fulfilling, and well-paying copywriting careers for themselves.

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No Gimmicks

No Get-Rich-Quick Schemes


Just real career training from a team with 30+ years of experience.

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Meet Your Copy Coach

I’m Nicki Krawczyk. I’m the founder of Filthy Rich Writer, the creator of the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy, and I’ve been a copywriter for more than 20 years. I’ve written for multibillion-dollar companies, including Hasbro, TripAdvisor, T.J.Maxx, Keurig, adidas, solopreneurs, and every size business in between.

As a whole, my team and I have more than 30 years of experience writing copy and building copywriting careers. And not only that…we’re still doing it. We’re still writing copy for clients and we’re in the weeds with you every day. (What can we say? We love copywriting!) We know what it takes to be a successful, thriving copywriter—and that’s what we’re here to teach you.

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Introducing the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy

Introducing the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy

Get the Step-by-Step Path to Copywriting Success—With Personal Support to Get You There Fast

The CCA 4-Factor Success Framework:

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Go from being a complete copywriting newbie to practicing and mastering high-level skills that will have your clients raving.

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Learn exactly how to position yourself so clients clearly see your uniquely valuable perspective and clamor to work with you.

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Discover our proprietary system for landing clients by leading with value, so that you NEVER have to be salesy and clients THANK you for reaching out.

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Learn how to scale from one or two clients to a consistent, steady stream of work so you’ve always got plenty of projects and income rolling in.

And how do we do all of that?

Through a combination of these 3 master keys to success:


Kick off your learning with our comprehensive array of info-packed, actionable courses. Work at your own pace and master everything from copywriting fundamentals to writing for specialized projects like sales pages, email funnels, and much more.


Get personal insight, advice, and feedback from Nicki, Kate, and the Filthy Rich Writer coaches through live, twice-monthly coaching calls, and special, free, student-only events throughout the year.


Learn and collaborate with smart, supportive, action-taking students like you as you share work, get support, give your thoughts, and receive feedback in our student-only Facebook group.

Here's What You'll Find Inside

Module 1

Copywriting Fundamentals

Module 2

Copywriting Tactics

Module 3

The Project Lifecycle

Module 4

Interactive Copywriting

Module 5

Print Copywriting

Module 6

Building Your Business

30+ Videos, Action Sheets, and More—Including:

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Module 1: Copywriting Fundamentals

Module 1: Copywriting Fundamentals

In Module 1, we cover copywriting fundamentals. And just a little warning for you: Copywriting is totally different from any other writing you’ve ever done. In this module, you learn the key principles like benefits, CTAs, and brand voice and how to wield them so that you create effective copy that has clients clamoring to work with you.

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Module 2: Copywriting Tactics

Module 2: Copywriting Tactics

In Module 2, we turn it up a notch with copywriting tactics. These are the advanced tools you use to identify the emotional hooks in a project, outline and craft effective copy, and master it all so that you have confidence in what you’re writing and selling and your clients have supreme confidence in you.

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Module 3:

The Project Lifecycle

Module 3: The Project Lifecycle

This is where you get the real-deal insight into how a project goes from being a glimmer in your client's eye to being a fully created piece. These are the keys to feeling like a professional from beginning to end, knowing exactly what to expect and mastering the entire process. If you’ve ever wondered how to work with a designer or what a creative review is all about, you’ll learn all of that (and a ton more) here.

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Module 4: Interactive Copywriting

Module 4: Interactive Copywriting

In Module 4, you start to get into the nitty-gritty of writing. You know that copywriting is vastly different from other types of writing, but here’s where you learn how different types of interactive copywriting are different. You learn how to master writing copy for websites, emails, banner ads, and mobile sites. We even delve into content writing so you have a fully packed toolbox of interactive copywriting skills to wow your clients.

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Module 5: Print Copywriting

Module 5: Print Copywriting

Digital copywriting is big, but print marketing and advertising is still the bread and butter for a lot of companies and clients! In Module 5, you learn everything you need to know to write for print – everything from newspaper and magazine ads to direct mail, print sales letters, and corporate pieces. And believe us, there’s nothing more exciting than seeing your own work in print!

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Module 6: Building Your Business

In Module 6, we start really digging into building your business. Why do some copywriters succeed while others don’t? This is where we take you through the keys to building a thriving career and business and how to keep the requests for work streaming in. We go over your resume and portfolio, how to build experience, what to charge, and everything else you need to take control of your career and make as much money as you want.

>> Plus... <<

>>> Plus... <<<

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Personal Help Via Live, Twice-Monthly Coaching Calls

You’re starting a new career, so you’ll have questions—and you absolutely should! Luckily, you’re never in this on your own.

Twice every month, we’ll hop on a call and you can ask our team any and all of the questions you’ve got via our live, student-only video calls. Can’t make it? No problem—every call is recorded and posted in the CCA so you can listen at any time. (And that includes the archive of recorded calls from the last several years!)

>>> And... <<<

>> And... <<

Daily Support Via the Student-Only Facebook Group

Want plenty of support, insight, and camaraderie every single day?

When you become a CCA student, you’ll join an amazing group of people just like you who are dedicated to building successful copywriting businesses in our members-only Facebook group. This is where you can ask questions from your fellow students, get their thoughts and opinions, share your wins, or even just post great ads you’ve seen! Plus, our team is in there to add our two cents, too. :)

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>>> Oh, And Also... <<<

>> Oh, And Also... <<

22 Bonus Courses!

Deep Dives Into Key Topics to Accelerate Your Success

How To Price Your Services

This is the step-by-step system for ensuring that you’re not charging too much or too little—that you’re charging what you deserve but not so much that clients are going to balk at your prices. The magic numbers! This course takes all the mystery out of that and helps you understand exactly what to base your rates on, how to charge in different scenarios, and how to talk about getting paid.

How To Create Spec Ads

You need a portfolio to prove that you know how to write copy, but what do you put in it before you’ve been hired for a job? This is where spec ads come in. We take you through exactly how to create sample ads to prove your skills and help you land work effortlessly. We also help you avoid very common spec ad mistakes other new copywriters make that don’t enhance your portfolio–they tank it.

Create Your Print Portfolio

When you show up for an interview or a meeting with a client, you need to be confident that the print portfolio you bring with you shows you and your work in the best possible light. We’ll take you through the ins and outs of creating your portfolio so that you can be sure to WOW your prospective clients and bosses.

How To Write Product Descriptions

Product descriptions (those paragraphs of copy next to items in catalogs and online stores) can be a great way to earn money as a copywriter. Nearly every single company that sells products also needs product descriptions, and most companies are constantly cycling in new items. Even better, it’s very rare that a writer actually sees a product in person; you’re much more likely to get pictures and descriptions. And that means, in many cases, product descriptions can be written from anywhere!

How to Write Videos

What does "writing for video" mean? Well, it can run the gamut from writing promotional videos for companies or universities to writing instructional videos for new products or services, writing training videos for employers, or writing videos to convey new concepts or new corporate missions. Think of it like screenwriting on a smaller scale. If you get a thrill from watching your words get published in ads, you're going to love seeing your words come to life on screen. (And, of course, you'll also love the payments you can get from adding this area of expertise to your business!)

How To Always Be Working

This is where you learn how to ensure that you always have projects—and money—coming in. Dry spells are real fears for freelancers, so we take you through step-by-step systems to ensure you can avoid them as much as humanly possible. This is how to keep your business running like a well-oiled, money-making machine.

How To Write Sales Pages

Here’s a project that every entrepreneur needs! Sales pages help business owners launch and sell new products and a great sales page has a huge impact on their revenue. They’re big, important copy projects…and that means business owners are happy to pay well for them. You’ll learn exactly how to write them to meet your clients’ needs, to connect with their target audience, and to help make your clients’ offers irresistible!

Client-Pitching Masterclass

If the idea of reaching out to new clients makes you nervous, this one’s for you! Effectively pitching potential clients is the key to controlling your income and ensuring you’ve always got plenty of paying projects coming in. But don’t worry: We make it easy! In this course, you’ll learn to craft pitches that potential clients will love, plus you’ll learn the simple-to-follow system that makes pitching a breeze. Even better? There’s no cold-calling or anything like that; you only talk to people who are already interested in hiring you!

Make Your Portfolio Site a Business-Generating Machine Masterclass

This will take your online portfolio site to a whole new level! You'll learn how to use email marketing to capture potential clients’ information and nurture that relationship automatically, how to use content to build the perception of your expertise, and even how to use webinars to attract potential clients and get them interested in and excited about hiring you! We'll break everything down into easy-to-follow (and easy-to-master) steps.

How to Be a Content Marketing Master

We wouldn’t quite call content “king” around here, but it’s certainly an indispensable tool. In this course, you’ll learn how to craft a content plan and content calendar for your clients to nurture and engage their audiences.

How To Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn can be a very effective way to promote yourself—and attract potential clients—all with minimal effort! Learn how to craft a profile that gets potential clients interested and drives them to get in touch.

Find Small Business Clients

Small business clients, the brick-and-mortar stores and restaurants and businesses near you, are the ideal first clients for you. Even though you’re just starting to learn, you already know more than they do and can provide them with tons of value. Plus, you get pieces for your portfolio and, even more importantly, you get paid! This is the step-by-step system for finding and landing small business clients so that you can hit the ground running with business success.

Build Your Online Portfolio

To be taken seriously as a copywriter, you need to create an online portfolio site. Luckily, in this course, we take you through everything you need to know to write about yourself and your services, present your work compellingly, and make people want to contact you for work. We even talk about some popular platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix to help you decide with certainty about where and how you want to build your site.

How To Write for Solopreneurs

Online, one-person businesses like coaches, course creators, and even e-commerce store owners are ideal clients for you. They appreciate the importance of good marketing and they’re savvy enough to know when they need help! They’re also ideal since you can work with them from anywhere in the world. (Anyone want to work from a beach in Bali or a café in Barcelona?) This course takes you through how to find solopreneur clients, the unique challenges and opportunities they present, and how to create copy for them that has them raving about you to all of their other solopreneur friends.

How to Write Webinars

Webinars are an amazing online opportunity for businesses and viewers alike: People get all kinds of useful information to help them meet their goals and change their lives, and businesses get the chance to introduce themselves to their target market, establish their authority and potentially even make sales. Better still, writing webinars is a skill that can very easily fall into a copywriter’s wheelhouse! Using your abilities (and our teaching), you can begin writing webinars that help people change their lives and help your clients build their businesses.

Land Ad Agency & In-House Agency Work

For many copywriters, being employed by or freelancing for a big ad agency or in-house agency (the ad agency within big companies) is the ultimate in “I’ve really made it, I’m successful” validation. If that’s your dream, this deep-dive course is for you. We’ll teach you how to take everything you’ve learned and all the work you’ve created and parlay that into jobs (again, on-staff or freelance; whatever your dream is) at ad agencies or in-house agencies that are fun and exciting to work with—and that look amazing on your resume and LinkedIn profile.

How To Use Facebook To Build Your Business

Facebook is an amazing resource for finding clients that most copywriters are barely utilizing! Imagine getting clients in the most low-pressure way, attracting people who want to work with you just by being helpful and by making offers and suggestions they can’t resist. In this course, you’ll learn the steps for exactly how to find, interact with, entice, and land your ideal clients right on Facebook. This is perfect for copywriters who want to work remotely!

How To Write Irresistible Facebook Ads

Facebook and Instagram ads are crucial to many businesses' success. And while running those ads and managing those accounts is a whole career in itself…writing those ads can make you indispensable for both clients and agencies alike!

How To Write Press Releases

Add another in-demand skill to your toolkit and learn to write press releases that help your client get ultra-valuable media attention for their businesses!

How To Write Online Sales Letters

Classic online sales letters have a lot to teach about some of the most effective and persuasive techniques copywriters use every day. Learn the keys to crafting copy for this unique medium.

How To Create Marketing Funnels

Email funnels are absolutely essential to any business that wants to grow predictably, profitably, and exponentially. (And they’re pretty useful for your own business, too!) Learn how to write effective funnels that help your clients meet and vastly exceed their goals.

How To Bust Through Your Fears and Blocks

Guess what? You can’t rely on motivation to get stuff done. What *can* you rely on? That’s what this course is all about. You’ll learn exactly why we all get in our ways and the tools and techniques you can use to break through any self-doubt, procrastination, or other forms of resistance that come up.

Nail Your Client Calls Bonus Course—
Fast Action Only!

Before you know it, you’ll start landing copywriting clients! And that means calls with them: discovery calls, input/kickoff calls, and creative review calls. Those calls are a BREEZE when you know exactly what to ask and what to say! In this special bonus course, we’ll go over exactly how to ensure that all of your client calls get you exactly what you need—and make your new client feel completely confident in your skills and expertise.

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We know that you'll be thrilled with your experience in the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy and with the results you get. In short: The CCA works if you work it.

That's why, if you do all of the work and you haven't gotten results, you can turn your work in to get your money back.

No, we don’t make it super easy to cancel. Why? The point of this policy is to give you full assurance that doing the work will yield the results and safeguard you if—somehow, honestly, inexplicably—it doesn’t. (If you don’t do the work, we’re not responsible for your inability to yield the results. Which makes sense, right?)

We’re serious about copywriting and we want to work with copywriters who are just as serious about themselves and their careers. We’re going all in on you and we want to make sure you’re just as dedicated. Click the button below for the the full terms and conditions.

So...what's all this worth?

6-Part Foundations Course: $1,797

Live, Twice-Monthly Coaching Calls: $197 each, $4,728 for the year

Student-only Facebook Group: Invaluable

22 Deep-Dive Course Bonuses: $297 each, $6,534 total

Fast Action Bonus: Nail Your Client Calls: $297

Total: $13,356

But that's not what you'll pay...

But that's not what you'll pay...


Single Payment

Single Payment




6-Part Foundations Course

Live, Twice-Monthly Coaching Calls

22 Deep-Dive Course Bonuses

Access to the Student-Only Facebook Group

Lifetime Course Access


3 Payments

3 Payments




6-Part Foundations Course

Live, Twice-Monthly Coaching Calls

22 Deep-Dive Course Bonuses

Access to the Student-Only Facebook Group

Lifetime Course Access

A few words from a few of our students...

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"I've had like maybe like 12 to 15 different jobs over my entire life. I went to school and changed my major like four times. I'm like, 'Okay I need some direction—what am I doing? Nothing's bringing me joy.' And then I started copywriting and I was like, where has this been all my life?"


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"When we were on furlough from our job, obviously we took a bit of a wage cut. It was coming up to Christmas and I thought, 'Oh god it's going to be a tight Christmas. How am I going to be able to afford it?' But I was actually able to buy everyone's Christmas presents with the money I made from copywriting."


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"Copywriting is an in-demand skill. For a couple of the positions that I spoke to employers, what I felt like was a tiny bit of experience, they were pretty impressed with and felt like I really had the knowledge to do the roles I was applying for. I'm so happy with where I landed."


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"[Money] was my biggest fear because I was making good money. So, I was like, "Look if I can just cover my bills," but I've got to say within 96 days I was making significantly more than I was in corporate. We're talking $7,000- $8,000 a month."


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"At first, as a faith-based nonprofit person, it's important to be doing something worthwhile with my life. Over the last two years that I've been doing this, I've worked with some amazing businesses, connecting people with a product or service that is going to help them."


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"I never thought that I was going to be a business owner. I just didn't think I was cut out for it, particularly being an introvert. I was really relieved when I got into the CCA and learned how you teach to pitch to start getting work as a copywriter."


And a few screenshots from students in our Facebook group...

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And a few video messages, too:

What's the Journey Really Like?

Watch These Student Stories!

Watch These Student Stories!

This CCA Student landed a 4 figure project 2 months in >>

This Student Tells Us How She Scaled to $10,000/Month Working 20 Hours/Week >>

<< This Student Tells Us How She Scaled to $10,000/Month Working 20 Hours/Week

This Student landed a senior copywriting position without paid experience >>

This Course Is Designed To Pay For Itself

Obviously, we can't make any guarantees about your income. It's up to you to do the work. But this stuff works if you work it.

Here's the difference between a purchase and an investment: A purchase is something that you pay money for and that sits around your house. An investment is something that you pay for and that eventually pays for itself. A new stereo? A purchase. A course that will teach you how to build a new career? An investment.

And we get that it's not easy to invest in yourself. There are so many lurking questions. "What if I don't use it?" "What if it works for everyone else but not for me?" "What if I lose motivation?"

So, let us clear this up: One of the reasons that this course works—and that it doesn't work to try to "figure it out on your own"—is that not only do you get the full training all in one place but you also have the support, encouragement, and accountability of the Filthy Rich Writer community.

If you think you're the first student to worry about whether you'd use the course, whether you weren't able to make it work for yourself, or whether you'd lose motivation—you'd be very wrong.

But our students know that sometimes they just have to be brave and have faith in themselves. We can show you what to do, and when your motivation wanes (it will—it always does!), we can help keep you going. This is more than just a course; it's a community of students just like you.

Still Thinking About It?

Still Thinking About It?

Here's Something You Should Know

Here's Something You Should Know

It's easy to tell ourselves, "Now's not the right time" or "I'll do it later." But here's the thing: There's never a "convenient" time to change your life. But the right time to do it? Right now.

The longer you wait to get started, the harder it is to get started. Until, like most people, you just don't get started at all.

And do you really want to be like most people? Most people don't value their lives enough to even try for something more, different, and better. It takes just a little bit of bravery at the beginning to start yourself down the path to the kind of life you really deserve.

So, it's up to you: 40+ hours a week at a job you don't really like, making less than you could, feeling trapped, feeling disappointed, and feeling like life is passing you by...or taking control of your career, your income, and your life.

Don't sell yourself short: Join us in the CCA today.

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Frequently Asked Questions!

What makes the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy different from other copywriting trainings?

Great question! While we can't speak to other programs, we can certainly speak to ours. The Comprehensive Copywriting Academy is the only copywriting course created and taught by a six-figure copywriting veteran and Copy Director with 20+ years of experience working with multibillion-dollar companies, including Adidas, TripAdvisor, Hasbro, T.J.Maxx, Keurig, and more, plus dozens of solopreneurs and every size business in between. It’s also supported by a team with a combined 40+ years of experience with copywriting, freelancing, building businesses, and navigating working on-staff as a creative. Whatever path you want to take—freelance or on-staff, part-time or full-time—we have the experience and insight to guide you.

We called the program “comprehensive” for a reason! This is the only course with not just the in-depth lessons to learn and opportunities to practice writing effective copy in all forms (plus, ample coaching to support you along the way) but also with practical, proven, and effective steps to find clients and work to build a real career. We teach you every single step to take you from learning your first copywriting principle to earning a six-figure income. Everything you need to know to create a successful copywriting career is in here.

How can I be sure it’ll pay for itself?

Great question! The first part of the answer is that the whole CCA was *designed* to pay for itself over and over again—for you to be wildly successful. After all, we’re only successful if you’re successful, so we’ve given you all the resources we can to get you there.  

That said, though, this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. If that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the wrong place. This is real career training for people who want to create a real career (whether full-time or part-time, on-staff or freelance). And that means that while we give you all the resources and support, you do have to put in the time to learn it and practice it.  

But if you do the work—if you watch the videos, do the Action Sheets, take the steps, join the Coaching Calls—there’s no reason you shouldn’t succeed and cover the cost of the course many, many times over. That’s why we offer our 30-day guarantee. If you do all of the work within 30 days, you watch the trainings and do the Action Sheets and attend the Coaching Calls, and you’re not seeing results, then we'll happily return your payment.

Is this for me if I want to write copy full-time/part-time/on-staff/freelance?

One of the great things about copywriting (among many great things) is how flexible it can be. If your goal is to get a full-time, on-staff job writing copy, we can help you do that. If you want a part-time, side gig writing copy to bring in a little extra cash, we can help you do that. If you want to write copy for clients all over as you travel around the world, we can help you with that, too.

Do I get lifetime access?

Yep! You get lifetime access to all the course materials, plus access to any additional trainings we add. You can go through it all now, and come back to refresh anytime you want.

How long will it take me to get through the CCA?

We've designed the CCA to be entirely self-paced. You *could* sit down and watch all the “Foundations” modules for eight hours a day. In that case, you could probably get through them in a few days.

But we recommend that you take whatever time you need to learn, practice, and master copywriting tactics. Plus, learning to write copy is *not* just about watching the videos. The course contains Action Sheets designed to help you practice your new skills and a student-only Facebook group to offer feedback and support your learning.

We've also made it self-paced since sometimes life gets in the way. If a family vacation comes up or somebody gets sick or something else takes over your schedule, you can step away and come back to the CCA when you're ready.

Need to make income fast? We have a suggested course order that helps you focus on the exact steps you need to take to learn and practice copywriting and start pitching small business clients. Many CCA students follow this course order and revisit bonus courses on writing for a specific medium (e.g., webinars or sales pages) only after they land the project. The most successful copywriters are continuously learning and honing their craft!

How much help and support do I get?

Great question. You’re learning a new career, so you can—and should—have questions. We have twice-monthly, live Coaching Calls with our team where we stay on the call and answer as many questions as you have. You can ask your questions live, or you can send them to us in advance. And if you can’t make any of the calls, don’t worry—we have recordings up within about 24 hours after the call is over.  

You also have full access to our students-only, private Facebook group where you can share experiences, ask questions, and get support from your fellow students. Our team is in there, too, to share tips and ideas.  

(Also…If you’re interested in more one-on-one support from our team, you’ll have some options once you join.)  

What if I’m not sure?

So, generally when people say they’re “not sure,” it’s for some deeper reason. We're going to turn this back to you: Why are you not sure? Are you not sure because you’re afraid it won’t work for you? (We’ve got a 30-day guarantee to assure you that it will, and safeguard you in case lightning strikes and it doesn’t.)  

Are you not sure because you’re afraid of investing in yourself? That’s a valid concern, but we give you all the tools and support you need to help you be successful. If there’s one thing the most successful people in this world can agree on, it’s the importance of investing in yourself and in investing in growing your skills.  

Are you not sure because you’re not sure you’ll like copywriting? Completely understood. The great thing is that you could do work for two or three clients (to be sure whether you like it or not) and make a 200% return on your course investment. Even if you decide copywriting isn’t for you, you can still end up ahead!

Can’t I just figure all this out by myself?

Sure! You can figure out just about anything on your own—but it also generally involves wasting a lot of time and money. If you’ve got time and money to waste, then go for it. The truth is, though, that most people that try to go the “figure it out on their own” route never actually figure it out. (Those people who tell you that “copywriting is really hard to get into” are almost always people who tried to go it on their own…and were never able to make it work.) 

When Nicki was starting out, there weren’t any copywriting courses like this. She had to figure it out on her own—with help from some initial training from her marketing director dad. But she’ll be the first person to tell you that she was lucky she managed to make a go of it. You can build a house from scratch with zero skills and plans, or you can build a house with blueprints from a master builder who also teaches you how to do all the work. Which makes more sense to you?

Does the CCA include [fill in the blank]?

As you can see, the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy includes a TON. (And whenever we identify more things we can teach our students, we add new courses!) But here’s the thing: We couldn't possibly list all the topics we cover in the CCA and you couldn't possibly think of all of the things you'll need help with. (You can't tell the future, after all!) That's why we have live, twice-monthly Coaching Calls and why those Coaching Calls are so important: We can cover *whatever* is on your mind, whatever you have questions about, and whatever you need more help with. You're never going this alone or trying to make this work in a vacuum; you always have our help and support, plus the support of your fellow students in our private Facebook group.

Does the CCA work for students in other countries?

Absolutely! We have successful students from all around the world and the principles are transferrable anywhere and in any language.

You should be aware though that the CCA course is taught entirely in English. We recommend you start by writing copy in your native language since it’s hard to master the nuances of a language you weren’t born speaking, but the copywriting principles you learn in the CCA are applicable regardless of language or location. For more info, check out this page.



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